PieSoft expert explained the power of PHP (hypertext preprocessor) and the main benefits of this programming language for the customer.
For what tasks is PHP most applicable? Imagine I am a bank owner and want a website. What language should I choose?
– There’s more to making it work than a simple solution. To find a solution, in this case, to choose the right programming language for your project, many details need to be considered. Business analysts and sales management should prepare all the necessary documentation. Your bank may need a simple landing page, software development services, an internal corporate project, or a credit application. After the decision is made, then it is time to select a programming language and a team.
For most cases, PHP is a perfect choice, but it is not suitable for every project, for example, multithreaded projects require a different programming language. Historically, PHP was developed as the language of the personal home page, hence, its original name. This function remains up till now, but over time, PHP became much more than that. It is good to implement CMS (Content Management System) and customer relationship management (CRM) projects on it.
Yet if the client needs highly loaded things with parallel queries execution and data calculations, then this is most likely not for PHP. Yes, we are the PHP team, but we are offering additional options. There are other languages!

What are the benefits of PHP for the customer?
– Your project will be completed faster, it will cost you less, and in the future, it will be easier to maintain it. I read recently that about 80 percent of websites are implemented on PHP. It is easy to explain, as PHP was always relatively easy to learn. Many preferred to make websites on their own, without ordering them from developers. In the early days of the Internet, almost everyone wanted to have a personal page, and no one wanted to pay for it. People made static pages on html, but then they wanted dynamic ones. And PHP helped them to achieve the desired.
In the late 1990s, almost immediately after PHP appeared, some people predicted that soon this language would die; other advanced languages would replace it. That idea periodically floats on until now. Of course, some languages have died, but others live and develop, and they are far from dying. This is the case with PHP.
Is this true that there is some confrontation between PHP and Java fans?
– Sure! The same as the war between Apple and Android fans! I’m joking. Another joke is that Javascript is not a language or that an html programmer exists. The truth is the specialists working with these two languages never seriously fuss because both PHP and Java have their pros and cons. It is impossible to say that any of them is worse or better. I know enough people who have moved from Java to PHP, and vice versa. Many developers work with both languages, and there are such professionals at PieSoft as well. To keep in mind: first, you find a solution for your project, then it dictates what language to choose. PHP is ideal for one thing, and Java for other things; it is not about the fight between their fans.
Does PieSoft have a strong PHP team?
– We sure do! Our team started as a PHP department; Java was added to the mix later for additional services. At the peak of our activity, there were 30 people in our PHP department. Now, our Java specialists are working more on outstaff, while we are outsourcing.

The PHP team is well-coordinated and knows how to successfully start and deliver projects according to deadlines. We have well-built processes within the team and deadlines are met. And yes, we can provide the client with an easy approach even for the most difficult tasks. On a scale from 1 to 10, I would give my team a 15! After all, we have been creating it for many years.
PieSoft always finds solutions. To provide an example, we recently got a customer who wanted to create a very special photo service. Even before we started, it became obvious that it was better to connect the technical department to the PHP team to perfectly complete the task. So, we did. If PHP were used alone, nothing good would’ve come of it. One needs to understand the capabilities of the language and be able to make the right decision and not fight over the spoils if another team implements it better. PHP does not launch rockets into space, but everything else it can do!

What projects does PieSoft’s PHP department specialize in?
“We specialize mainly in healthcare, CRM systems, and e-commerce — PHP is the perfect solution for these specializations.”
And what is the strength of PHP?
-In the truth?😆